Do you wash your fruits and vegetables?
August 2, 2021 2022-09-14 21:30Do you wash your fruits and vegetables?
Always wash your fruit and vegetables before you cut, peel, or cook with them!
Remember washing produce helps reduce the number of pesticides and germs that have accumulated during growing and transport to your home. Always wash, even if it is organic! Especially the ones in the dirty dozen list.
Making your own wash is an easy, inexpensive way to protect your family and save some money.
I personally use this mix:
Equal parts of vinegar and water in a large bowl – you can also use it in a spray bottle. The acidic components in vinegar kills bacteria and helps to dissolve the wax and pesticide residues found on the skins of many fruits and vegetables. Then rinse with fresh water and pat dry before storing or cooking.
They will be tasty and powerful!