
Detox Holistically: Shifts You Can Make Today

Health Coaching

Detox Holistically: Shifts You Can Make Today

What is Detoxing? Detoxing is actually a very important process that your body goes through every day on its own. Your food, your supplements, and everything you drink are digested, assimilated, and eliminated, which is made possible by the coordination of many organs and bodily systems.

This process can be inhibited by certain diet and lifestyle practices, from consuming a nutritionally poor diet to drinking excess alcohol. But you also consume much more than just food. You consume the news, your social media feeds, your internal self-talk, the self-care products you put on your skin, the cleaning products you use in your home, and much more.

Reframing the concept of detoxing to address and nourish all the areas of your life that feeds you is a holistic detox.

While it doesn’t come in a package or a bottle, it does result in greater well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

And the best part? It doesn’t require large changes to your everyday life!

Think small, daily shifts that, over time, create strong, healthy habits that support your wellness goals.

Whole-Body Detox Shifts You Can Start Now


1. Eat whole food.

A varied diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, quality protein, and healthy fats has been shown to help reduce risk for disease and promote a healthy body and mind.

If possible, eating organic or in season and local is a step you can take to ensure you are consuming the nutrients your body needs most. One major difference between this and a traditional detox is the focus on what you add into your diet as opposed to remove from it. Replenishing your body with the foods that work for your unique needs that goes a long way in supporting long-term health.

2. Stay hydrated.

Some people have no problem drinking enough water, while others find it very challenging. If you have a hard time staying hydrated, find other ways, in addition to drinking more water to prioritize hydration in your routine. Considering swapping out coffee for decaffeinated tea; reducing your two or three cups of coffee a day to one cup; sipping on a mug of warm vegetable or bone broth, or eating hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, celery, and citrus fruits. Adding cucumber or fruit to your water glass will also make you feel like you’re at a spa!

3. Help your gut microbes thrive.

Gut health isn’t just a marketing term, it’s key for optimal health! Your gut is responsible for keeping your immune system functioning (almost 80% of your immune system lives in the gut); synthesizing important hormones, like serotonin (the “happy hormone”); and supporting proper digestion, assimilation, and elimination, and much more!

Eating fermented foods, like yogurt, miso, soy, and sauerkraut, is a great start. Take it one step further and promote a flourishing gut microbiome by feeding your gut a quality probiotics and digestive enzymes support multiple markers of digestive health, including bowel movement regularity, stool consistency, transit time, and bloating.

4. Do a “technology” detox.

The number of hours per day we spend looking at a screen rises everyday whether scrolling our Instagram feeds, working from home, or watching TV at the end of a long day. Doing a technology detox will not only help relieve the strain on your eyes but can also help ease anxiety and support more intimate connections with your loved ones. Try implementing a phones-free dinner; put a basket in your home where phones go during family game night; or set limits on your phone so that it automatically cuts you off after a certain amount of time.

5. Build movement into your day.

Exercise isn’t just for your physical health; it has several mental and emotional benefits. You don’t need to spend an hour working out to obtain the benefits of exercise; simply building movement into your day will support your health and, better yet, clear your mind. Take the stairs instead of the elevator; get up from your desk to stretch every hour; use your bike instead of your car (if possible); or park at the back of the parking lot to get extra steps in. It all counts!

6. Prioritize self-care in your everyday routines.

What if we focused on our self-care as much as we do on our general health? Shift your mindset to build supporting practices into your day, such as:

  • Getting quality sleep
  • Journaling as part of your morning routine
  • Creating a prayerand/ or meditation practice
  • Taking breaks from work to stretch, eat, or get fresh air outside
  • Focusing on your breath when you get stressed
  • Putting your phone away during important conversations
  • Talking with someone you feel safe with about your wellness and wellbeing

Rethinking Detox

Detoxing doesn’t have to be hard. By rethinking what it means to detox, you’re finding new ways to optimize your whole well-bein

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